

--steven's pass, washington--
scene of the accident...
Now first, you should understand that I don't have super awesome boarding skills. And I am not just saying that to be humble. Really.
Two weeks ago. Boarding. Near the end of the day I felt like I was doing pretty decently. +2 pts. Last run of the day. THEN...
When I was switching (read: attempting to switch) from my heel edge to my toe, I unintentionally dropped in at the steepest part of the un-groomed run I was on. -2 pts.
I hit my face first, then caught my edge and tumbled backwards, hit my head, and continued, end over end, all the way to the bottom of the face (-3 pts for each rotation. not sure how many that was). It felt like I was falling for eons because I remember having so many weirdly distinct thoughts, but it was probably only 6 seconds or so.
Thoughts that transpired as I fell:
-i just broke my nose
-don't let me die
-this run was a stupid idea (-2 pts)
-please oh please don't let me die
-not wearing a helmet was a stupid idea (-6 pts)
-is this what it feels like to get beat up
-don't wanna die
-going on this run by myself was a stupid idea (-4 pts)
Anyways. When i stopped tumbling i was overjoyed to find that i was not dead (+lots of pts) and I had (fairly) decent mobility (+2 pts)...my body just felt as if it had been slammed against a brick wall a few times.

My left ankle, left knee, and nose seemed to take the worst of it, but nothing broke. Yeeeaaaah. Now, my face doesn't hurt anymore and my ankle's just feeling a little weak. We went back up to the same resort yesterday, so I went back to the area where I fell to see if I had just imagined how steep it was...I rolled past where the guy at the bottom is...about to where you can start to see the tracks where it flattens out...

A humbling experience,
to say the least.
(I usually need
a lot of those.)
And now
I wear a helmet
just in case.


Matt Chadwick said...

Ha ha ha! I should first begin by saying I'm glad you are alright. I couldn't help but think of the "Jill came tumbling after" part of Jack and Jill when I read this. Except you weren't fetching a pale of water. Did I ever tell you about my big snowboard crash? I was participating in some night skiing festivities, and the ground was completely frozen over. So as I was cruising down the hill on my first run, I went to slow down toe-side when the back of my board caught edge and I fell straight back and slammed my head into ground causing me to black out. Long story short, I was diagnosed with a concussion. I lost all short term memory and had no idea where I was or what I had done the previous few days. Fortunately my long term memory was still functional. All I did after the accident was repeat my name, address, phone number, and the derivative of x^2 over and over again for three hours or so while my sister sprayed water in my face to make sure I didn't fall asleep. Cool story Hansel.

Anonymous said...

I hope your helmet cost at least $500!

blackstarmonkey said...

ugh, mattie! i'm glad you're still alive...
coolEST story, hansel

liso. said...

sounds like mattie chadwick is trying to one up you... hmmm, who is this fella ANYway?