

(or, another cheesy post that S will not approve of being associated with)

last september, somehow we dragged (and were dragged) ourselves to the top of kilimanjaro....

and after:
the climb happened to fall during a particularly intense time of my life, and it turns out that my brother and sister-in-law were exactly what i needed then...
i gained such an added appreciation for both of them in ways that i wouldn't have ever guessed before that trip.

i'll take them both on my team anyday.

happy birthday, bros. ;)


Anonymous said...

V. here... TERRIFFIC Before and After photos...Such a good before photo that hides some of their best qualities. What a great memory.. Family members are wonderful!! SOOOO glad you went together.

Matt Chadwick said...

I guess this post makes you an official Hulkamaniac, because you have fun with you family and friends. Sorry... I'm on a total Hulk Hogan kick today.

Amber said...

I'm just seeing this. Thanks for the sweet words. I am so thankful you were there. It really made the trip to have you as our companion. There's nothing like suffering together to bring people together, eh?
You Rock!
Kili '09

liso. said...

yeah. happy birthday, bros. i'm still in awe.

Amber said...

Hey, thanks for saying how great I am. Sorry I'm just now noticing, but then again, I always knew I was great. S.