
i have eaten a cadbury egg every day for the last five days. and i make no apologies.

when we went down to Coachella last weekend, C and I found a Rite Aid with lots of cadbury eggs on clearance....
= BIG WIN! (almost on par with FINALLY seeing Fleet Foxes live). usually cadbury eggs sell out or there's none left to put on clearance cause they are so amazingly good and people like this guy want to hoarde them away. anyways. i have lots of eggs now. i won't tell you how many because you will judge me. i spent enough to consider it an actual percentage of a paycheck. ALSO. Coachella was really good. Calexico or TV on the Radio each made it worth the flight to san jose and drive all the way to indio and back... i wish C lived closer so we could go to music festivals every weekend.
1. while it seems like a good idea to stay awake while driving, human stomachs are not created to process copius amounts of mountain dew and fire limon cheetohs in a short period of time. (plus cadbury eggs)
2. the next trend of little hipsters are into the style that i would affectionately call 'disco native'. apparently for 15 year old hipsters, it is cool to wear indian inspired jewelry, headresses, war paints, and clothing (ripped to simulate 18th century leather authentic-ness). But the catch is...it's all in NEON colors!!! Imagine the famous picture of sitting bull, except he has pink and purple painted face, and the headress has been andy warhol-ed into 1988!!! Puh-POW!

1 comment:

liso. said...

i just love cadbury eggs...and have also noticed the shrinking size. but never thought to have PROOF! genius. that's why he is who he is.