well 2010 has been a glorious year, and i feel pretty dang blessed all around. here's my year-in-a-post:
- idaho roadtrip for M's wedding...and snuggies for everyone
- learning to make pies--a ploy to get Ned from Pushing Daisies to fall in love with me--i haven't heard from him yet
- out riding at steven's pass
- the Camping Kids Club 2010 kick-off meeting aka Jill and Ken play with fire
- Vancouver Winter Olympics--once via bikes around the city and to a hockey game, and again with the besties on the last night of the Olympics for the biggest street party ever to happen in British Columbia (probably). one of the funnest nights of the year for sure. free high fives, kisses, and goodwill for everyone.
- trip with friends to Cape Canaveral for the last space shuttle night launch=dream come true (i got a little emo. or a lot.) *STS-30 shot here by Shane Lin.
- the Salt Flats (yeah, they're really salty. i checked.)
- Cedartree powwow in Provo then Holi festival of colors. Indian feather AND dot. Check.
- meeting up with m.c. for in-n-out and music exchange in the Wasatch valley.
- redneck par-tay at the dump aka the old tree house aka my home--this also commemorated one month of a homeless-people-free-backyard. rah.
- the besties en costume for the Earth Day parade in Olympia (we were raccoons, not cats)
- XX in concert
- hiking up to Snoqualmie lake with d and h
- carnie party. carnies are like mullets--all fun and games until you run into a real one
- spent my birthday with family + baby goats. what a dream...
- down to St George, UT to volunteer for their inagural ironman. if i had to pass out somewhere from running/swimming/biking a trillion miles, this would be a REAL pretty place to do it.
- summiting in the Cascades
- down to Oahu to comfort Charlie in her poor deprivated beach life
- spending July 4 at a family reunion and visiting old friends
- first time to hurricane ridge in the olympic national forest
- pretty hardcore spelunking aka walking at the Ape Caves at Mt St Helen's with gingah and d--that was a magikal day
- out to the gorge in mideast washington for the first time...i liked the horsies as much as the concert
- A's birthday at the pope table with my second family. i keep fearing the day bucca di beppo makes that pope bust anima-tronic.
my best 30 day challenge of 2010 was sleeping outside between July and August...porches, tents, forests, backyards, sailboats, truckbeds, and hammocks:

to be honest, august and september are a bit of a blur,
this is just what i think happened.
- So much biz travel including a complete eastern circumvention of the globe: paris--wandering for a day; japan--climbing mt fuji for sunrise from the top, frankfurt and zurich for work inspections galore
- congrats to my bibi c.s. on finishing his 70.3 Ironman!!!
- coming in second place in Seattle urban challenge with seattle's favorite caped crusaders, the apes in capes...inspired by the ape caves. not to be confused with the ape grapes.
- another biztrav to germany, this time i also took my first trip to london
- more hikes through the mushroom infested Cascade Mountains, and the beaches of the olympic peninsula
- back to herborn, germany for another few weeks on biz...this time i squeezed in some hiking in the mountains
- a magikal all-witch party thrown by my magikal witch-mates
- seeing Belle and Sebastian live FINALLY (the ten year wait has been worth it)
- Jane Austen Convention in Portland with mom and alison oh em gee what an experience--please judge me right now cause that's probably what you're doing
- Iceland dream vacation with josh and dan (maybe this is what heaven looks like) *Skogarfoss black beaches shot by Dan Zhu
- Thanksgiving at our house for a few friends
- Getting in the vibe for the holidays with the play 'A Christmas Carol'. just love that book.
- cross country skiing...let the snow season begin!
- a house concert at our place with the Continentals, our new house band
- christmas in the southwest . santa fe sure knows how to do it up right.
- the siblings, re-united!
- and the whole family, in one piece, even after our attempts to be hardcore
well anyhow, thank you friends, lovers, family, and seattle for putting up with me, and for the amazing races, backhoe driving, ballets, birthdays, camping, dress up, DTRs, fireside chats, four-wheeling, la push, movies, MYM, parties, pep talks, roller derby, sleepovers, snowboarding, taste of india, trapeze, blah blah blah...godspeed to you all in 2011!
what if i just got emotional reading your blog?
i just feel really lucky.
don't you test these besties.
whoa. i had to read three times to absorb it all... this is one cuh-razy year - i choose to be zill zill!
...and you can't act like i'm being annoying at all.
a lotta love, sister!
That's crazy!! How cool is your life? :) I want to be like Jill too!!! Happy New Year to you too!
Coolest post!
thanks for including me!
V. here... no wonder you never answer my phone calls!!Seems like you need more than one year... you're too fun. wish I could see you more... but I think we have done all the stuff around here. thanks for posting Have a great new year.
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