
it's one of THOSE relationships

i loved the Decemberists MORE after 'the crane wife' was released, but then LESS each time i hear the song 'Valencia', but MORE after i finally saw them live, but LESS when they were in the cover article of PASTE, but then MORE after i listen to 'the crane wife' again.


Anonymous said...

V. here... mmmm I'll stayed tuned for the next part.

Matt Chadwick said...

The Crane Wife is a great album! I could see how it could have that kind of effect on people. Much like Neutral Milk Hotel's In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. You may disagree with what I'm about to say, but ITAOTS blows TCW out of the water in awesomeness. But that doesn't take away from the fact that you have a solid album on your hands. And if it helps you to retain your respect for The Decemberists, then it has done it's job. My eyes feel like burning.

Matt Chadwick said...

P.S. You're probably wondering what Neutral Milk Hotel has to do with anything, and it's just that I think Colin Meloy's voice resembles that of Jeff Mangum. So every time I hear The Decemberists, my brain sometimes switches over to the Hotel. I'm glad that's settled.