
dear swine flu, you are going down. here's why:

1. calls from family
2. no work
3. watching nine episodes in a row of 'prison break'
4. boyfriend visits with chicken noodle soup
5. chocolate christmas advent calendars
6. clean sheets
7. liquified jello

Bring it on.


Anonymous said...

V. here... I hope you get well real soon...And I am not sure how the chocolate advent calendars help,but next time I'll try it. Clean sheets always make me well.

liso. said...

i need to hear more about #4. you know why. i hope you're feeling better and will call me when your voice is audible. i love you!

mina said...

your header is awesome

Aika said...

aww man.. shoot... Hope you feel better!!!

Chad said...

We can't wait to see you tomorrow.