
In case you're trying in particular to NOT impress someone with your cooking skills:

sometimes experimenal cooking turns out good. (tang cookies)
sometimes it doesn't. (see below)

here's one not to try--i call it 'these popcorn balls will make your head explode into candy fireworks if you can choke down enough of them'
here's how you can try it at home:
-lots of corn syrup
-some granulated sugar
-most of a large package of grape jello (am i the ONLY person in the world who likes grape jello?)
-some large marshmallows
boil together. pour over popcorn that has lucky charms (lots of them) mixed in.

i know, it sounds good, right?

well, if you do make them, especially for a party with lots of people there, do your best to be the one who STARTS the conversation about how bad they are, so that no one will suspect they were by your own hand...just some advice. not that any of it is based on experience. bonapetit.

1 comment:

liso. said...




but at least they won't know you brought them...would you like me to make a recipe card for this?

BUT A+ for the experiential stuff.