
vive america

I met an interesting guy on a flight to Vegas this morning. He was interesting because

a) he doesn't like girls that do coke, and he told me this the first time we met (because my disarming manner had prompted him to skip ahead to conversational topics appropriate to, say, at least a third meeting).
b) he is in the army and he just got back from Baghdad
c) he really like sunsets and sunrises, and isn't afraid to admit it
4) he eats steak for thanksgiving instead of turkey (who needs turkey? you can have turkey at Christmas. what he must really be thankful for is steak.)
e) he is a texan, but his stepmom is a farm girl from ireland (she doesn't have much of an accent anymore though.)
f) he thinks kids these days are a bunch of little punks, even though this makes him sound old. (i agreed, but added that they also seem to be spoiled little punks. he concurred.)

later on this evening when helping serve a turkey dinner put on at a school, i noticed a funny thing. there were students helping serve part of the time, and so i guess someone had seen fit to place signs behind the table labeling each food item: 'SALAD,' 'GRAVY,' 'STUFFING,' etc.
my favourite sign was underneath the sweet potatoes.
it said 'JAMS.'

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